I need to be honest with you, friends, I could probably have filled this post with just pictures of my butt because, seriously, every single photo I took today of my rearview was just killing it!! And while that probably sounds like I have an insanely inflated sense of self when it comes to my booty, I assure you, I don't! IT'S JUST THESE JEANS!!

So for posterior I mean, posterity, I've included some front shots too, but I just want you to know it wasn't easy!!! *Sigh* the things I do for you guys...
But anyway, Heeeyyyy! What's new with y'all? Did you have a good Halloween? Is your November getting off to a swinging good start? I got myself into a bit of a blogging rut after posting my last Mood Sewing Network make - I just couldn't muster the mojo to re-write the post over here on my home turf, so if you haven't seen it, let me just direct you on over to the MSN site. Once I accepted the fact that that post was just not going to get re-posted I felt like I unclogged the drains and could finally move on to sharing some of these other makes that have been sitting around waiting to be blogged about!
And first on that list are these white Ginger Jeans - the newest pattern from Closet Case Files!

You know, I really love seeing women that I've come to know, and call my friends through the sewing and blogging community expand, and grow, and take on new ventures, and find success through their passion and hard work. And no one embodies this more for me than my pal, Heather Lou. I'm just so proud of her and her burgeoning pattern business! And it's with good reason too - because each new pattern she releases knocks it out of the park. And I'm not just saying that because I love her (even though I do) but I really believe that each of her patterns possess a little bit of magic that makes me feel like a million bucks every time I put them on. Case in point: these Ginger Jeans have since been dubbed my 'sexy jeans'. They may not be perfect, but that rear view is worth the title alone, in my opinion!!

Okay, okay, I know you guys didn't come here to listen to me wax poetic about my tush and my love for Heather, so let me tell you a bit about the actual pants you see before you. First of all, Heather asked me to test this pattern, and I said 'yes' because I love making jeans, and I love wearing jeans, and I love learning about jeans, and because - duh - she's my girl! (Okay, I'm done, I swear... well maybe not...) So the jeans in this post are my test version.

I used a moderately stretchy, mid-weight denim that I picked up with my Mood allowance. Funny thing about these jeans - this is actually the wrong side of the denim! The right side of the denim was described on the Mood site as being a 'burnished gold', and of course, me being me, I thought "oooh gold jeans!!!" and clicked 'buy' without a second thought. Then the denim arrived and, much to my dismay, they weren't so much 'gold' in real life as they were a sad, slightly greenish, khaki color. Boo. (To be fair, had I gotten past the 'gold' descriptor and gone on to read the rest of the color description I might not have been so disappointed) I was all resigned to just make them up as a muslin that never saw the light of day, when I had the sudden brainwave to use the wrong side of the fabric, which is this pretty normal looking white color you see before you. Total save!

I'm no novice to jeans making - in fact these Ginger's will make my sixth pair of handmade jeans. And I really have to say, it's one of the things I love to make the most. I just get so much satisfaction out of all the topstitching and details, and I really enjoy knowing that I'm making something that will get a lot of love and wear. For my test version of the Ginger Jeans pattern I made View B - the high-waisted and skinny leg variation. I chose this style for two reasons: 1) I love a good high rise for their vintage-y sexy look and 2) My hacked-to-pieces Built By Wendy pattern that I've been using to make my own jeans pretty closely resembles View A and I was looking for something a little different. I cut a size 6 for these, which is a size smaller than what I've cut in Heather's patterns in the past. My measurements were a bit all over the place - a 6 in the waist and a 10 in the hips. I gambled by cutting the 6 and sewing the hips and legs at a 3/8" SA instead of the instructed 5/8". The resulting fit is very close, but they're still comfy (stretch denim is a beautiful thing)!

I really love the fit of these! I'm sorry, I have to say it again, but I don't know what sort of voodoo magic Heather puts into her patterns because each one makes my bum look ace! I really only ever have this experience with her patterns, so... obviously it's witchcraft. To be fair, I do have a bit of a camel toe issue with the front rise (I tried to pose in such a way as to minimize it's appearance in these photos - also, isn't 'camel toe' an awful name?) but it's not enough to make me stop wearing them in public. Also, it should be noted that Heather has made a few fit adjustments to the pattern after we testers gave her our feedback. I believe one of the things she changed was to take a little scoop out of the crotch curve on the high-waisted version to solve any potential camel toe issues. Of course, we're all such unique little snowflakes, no one is going to fit any one pattern exactly the same. I'm sure I'll still have to make little tweaks here and there when I make my next pair of Gingers from the finalized pattern, but... that's sewing!

Some of the little details I added to my jeans were this gold topstitching thread and copper buttons and rivets, all bought from Taylor Tailor. And maybe my favorite little detail is the hot pink thread I used to sew the buttonhole. This was something I did on my husband's jeans and I just loved how personalized it made them feel. See?! There's just so many little ways you can customize your jeans when you make them yourself - it's like a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' sewing experience!
I also have to say that these are some of the most thorough instructions I've ever come across. Sewing jeans can be a bit of a process which is probably why so many people are intimidated by them. Heather really breaks the whole thing down for you with the instructions, I even learned a few new tricks to add to my jeans sewing arsenal! And, of course, she's doing an exhaustive series of posts as part of her sew-along covering just about everything you could ever want to know about making your own jeans. Truly, it's a like a gold mine of jeans sewing information! I've long been an advocate of making your own jeans - it's just so damn empowering - and I love that now there's all the information you could possibly want all in one place.

Let's finish off with one last look at that boot-ay because... I mean... hot damn!
I'm sure I probably sound like a Closet Case Files fan girl in this post, and, well, I am! But I also hope you guys know I wouldn't just rave about something for no good reason - I'm just really pleased with the way my jeans turned out!
But I guess the real question is whether or not the Ginger Jeans pattern will replace my Tried and True Built By Wendy jeans pattern? You know... they just may! I most definitely need more of these high-waisted beauties in my closet, and if the low rise version gives equally good ass - then who am I to complain! I will say that I was able to get my dirty little mitts on one of the Ginger Jeans denim kits before they sold out, and... yeah. There's gonna be more Gingers in my future.
What about you guys? Anyone else looking to make this handmade jeans thing happen?
Ok, basically all I can say here is WOW. If I were to be tempted to make jeans, I think the Gingers would be it - I might still get there at some point ;-) But these are just perfection on you. You nailed the fit, and I love the shade of denim. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteLove that you used the wrong side of your denim. I never would have guessed it was the wrong side. They are perfect, as always! Jeans are one of those things that I really don't have much of a desire to sew. But I may be swayed a little by these :)
ReplyDeleteBahaha! I'm with Erin on this one. I actually have a nice butt except pretty much nothing ever fits me so no one knows I have a butt that is nice. Too bad there's not a Nice Butt Sew-along. ...well, I guess that could be the secondary title of the official Ginger Jeans Sew-along ;) AMAZING JEANS AS ALWAYS, SALLIE!
ReplyDeleteHot diggity dog! I have a total girl crush on you right now. These jeans look great. Can't help but get a little mushy and say that I'm very proud to see the growth that Heather and her line has made. Every pattern she releases is a smash hit!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I want to, I don't think I'm ready to take the dive into jeans making. I'm still conquering bras!
Wow, you do indeed look haaaawt in your new jeans!! Beautiful! I love that you used the wrong side of the fabric, clever idea btw! and now I really really want to see the right side too because that sounds like a pretty awesome colour to me actually. :)
ReplyDeleteThese jeans look so good! I have been looking at a few pairs of Gingers and every one I see looks amazing and my finger gets closer and closer to that buy button, even though I'm not supposed to be buying any more patterns until I sew the ones I already have. But these are so awesome! Also, good save on using the wrong side of the fabric.
ReplyDeletethese look soooo great! i've been hesitating to buy this pattern since i'm pretty close to good on the jalie pattern... tough call! love that you used the wrong side of the denim--nice save. gold denim sounds pretty awesome though!
ReplyDeleteOoo, these look amazing! I've wanted some white jeans ever since Andrew W.K. came on the scene a decade ago. I'm excited to start making some Gingers in a rainbow of colors soon!
ReplyDeleteI love it when a new pattern comes out and every single make of that pattern looks great and different than the one before. Your's are GREAT! I really like the white. :-D
ReplyDeleteyour booty does look awesome in these gingers! i promised a pair of jedediahs to my boyfriend, so that is next on the list, but after that i WILL make myself some gingers. i was a bit apprehensive because my measurements are also all over the place according to heather's size chart, but seeing your gingers really reassures me.
ReplyDeleteThanks Sallie. The jeans look awesome! You've given me the confidence to make my own pair. I'm off the Closet Case Files now!
ReplyDeleteHot damn. Dat ass tho. Your jeans look amazing.
ReplyDeleteThe Ginger Jeans pattern looks a lot like my favorite pair of rtw jeans I have. So I bought the pattern and I already even have some denim fabric that I've had for a while now. I have been meaning to sew me some jeans for years but I haven't had the motivation to draft the pattern and haven't seen the perfect pattern until now. So I need to refill the ink on my printer and my Gingers will be on the way.
Absolutely the perfect jeans!
ReplyDeleteWow! These look amazing! I have never made jeans (or any trousers), but these are really making me want to! The pattern does seem to be magic!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I have been waiting to see you in a pair of Gingers and you haven't disappointed!! These jeans look fantastic and you look fantastic in them!!
ReplyDeleteWell, I have to agree, my first thought before reading anything was "man, those jeans make her butt look good!" I also have the exact same denim from Mood and was already planning to use the white side as the right side. I was planning some denim Thurlow Trousers, but I may just end up making these since I don't have any skinny jeans!
ReplyDeleteJeez. Way to make my morning babycakes. Your ass is a miracle, Ginger Jeans or no Ginger Jeans. xoxoxo
ReplyDeletesallie i'm so glad you address the front wrinkles - i never know what constitutes wearing ease and what is actually, you know, the dreaded camel toe. what do you think you might do differently on your next pair to fix?
ReplyDeletenothing in the rear, obv, because that looks fab. i know you know that but, you know, it's fab. ;-)
When I opened up my Feedly and saw that first picture, I literally said WHA-BHAM out loud. I think that's a good sign. (Also..wha-bham!?? what the hell kind of lame catcall is that...)
ReplyDeleteI also got my grubby little hands on one of the Ginger kits and can't wait to make them! I'm fairly scared because I've never done any kind of pants before with the exception of a pair of Katy & Laney Tap Shorts, but I just KNOW Heather's sewalong will make me feel confident.
Damn girl!!!!!!!! I'm not really sure what else to say... just, damn, girl!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Devra! Well I think Heather made some crotch curve adjustments to the finalized pattern, so I'm curious to see how they'll fit now with those changes. I'm not too terribly fussed with the 'whiskering' on the front, as I think that's mostly a result of getting a tight fit (which I wanted because of the back view). What bothers me more is that the vertical crotch seam sort of... digs *up there* in a way that is not very flattering, giving me the dreaded camel toe. I think I could probably have fixed this in the process of sewing, had I caught it in time (I actually didn't notice it until I went to take pictures to send along with my testing notes) by just sewing the inseam of the legs, right there at the crotch, with a smaller SA (say 1/4"?) Or I think you can make flat pattern adjustments by just scooping out the curve a little bit more on the front. Hope that makes sense!
ReplyDeleteThese are HOT! I can't wait to make a pair for myself. I'm going to be testing out the fit first so I'm prepared when the coveted denim kit arrives.
ReplyDeleteI'm digging higher waisted jeans these days - they're weirdly comfy! I like that your pocket placement is similar to that of a lower-waisted pair of jeans in spite of the high waist. Clearly very flattering :)
ReplyDeleteYou are a wise lady Melissa!! Don't wanna waste any of that fancy denim!! Happy jeans making my friend!!!
ReplyDeleteYou bum does indeed look amazing! And I love the colour, even if it wasn't what you had in mind. I'm so tempted by this pattern - I have my TNT tweaked-to-infinity Style Arc pattern too, but the higher waist and little details in these may well sway me. Plus I might get some new tips from the instructions!
ReplyDeleteWow!!! Cool jeans! Great butt! (It runs in the family...)
ReplyDeleteHot damn girl! These jeans, and your booty, look glorious! Interesting that you used the wrong side of your denim, as I was admiring the colour so much! The gold detailing adds a touch of class and the view you chose to sew is pure vintage/classic goodness. Hopefully I'll be brave enough to try sewing jeans next year!
ReplyDeleteIf my butt looked that good I'd be mentioning it all over the place too! You look banging in these jeans. Jeans are something that freak me out to sew. I might put that on my goals for 2015 list. If I can work up the courage!
ReplyDeleteThese are SO FAB!!!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't wait to see yours, Sallie! These are gorgeous. I'm so digging the high waist and copper with the white! On the crotch curve subject...I made two pairs of skinnies this summer and each time I had to adjust the front and so far it hasn't been the same on any two of my pants. I've just decided that basting first will probably have to be a way of life for me in fitting tighter pants because it's always about what the fabric wants to do...
ReplyDeleteNot to worry, I think we're all totally capable of taking in a few more from-the-rear shots! Love how the wrong side of the fabric looks so amazing - having the gold-y part on the inside must be a bit like having a super loud lining hidden away in a simple dress! Love the jeans and drool - topstitching! x
ReplyDeleteHot dignity dog- you look fierce! These are sweet and the pink buttonhole is such a rad feature :D Side note- amazing topstitching!
ReplyDeleteperfection, that's all i can say! yours and lola's versions might just persuade my never-wear-jeans self to actually try making a pair.. maybe i can wear a pair of jeans, if they can make my ass look so god damn good too!
ReplyDeleteThanks Amy! I totally agree about the basting - each fabric is just so different - I've definitely learned its' the way to go with fitting through the legs/hips/waist, but I think I'll have to start basting the crotch curve too!
ReplyDeleteThanks Amanda!! We'll be denim twins!!!
ReplyDeletegoddamn, these are gorgeous. i love the white + copper combo. so modern and perfect with the vintagey highwaist. you're right about there being some special magic in this pattern! these jeans are giving your ass a (well deserved) standing ovation!!!
ReplyDeleteDang, these look so freaking good! If my jeans pattern turns out to be a total bust then this is definitely the pattern I'm turning to.
ReplyDeletethe last time I loved my butt in jeans they cost me $200 bucks. These are GORGEOUS! I love them and your awesome butt... and total bonus - they're white! It's hard to find an acceptable pair of white jeans I think! The higher waist is lovely. Please tell me when you start taking orders. Love you sissy!
ReplyDeleteLooooooooove!!! I'd never have guessed that was the wrong side of the fabric - it looks so right!
ReplyDeleteoh la la! they do look fabulous! I'm working on the lower rise version right now, but i may have to try the other view as well. these look so great!
ReplyDeleteHAHA, you are hilarious Sallie with your sexy ass. Them jeans look awesome.
ReplyDeleteI really want to make these jeans I just need to stop ignoring my sewing machine.
Dang! You should enter all rooms backwards! These are epic!
ReplyDeleteI second that previous hot damn. Would love a close up of the hot pink buttonhole, I like that personal expression.
ReplyDeletedamn your ass looks great! lol This is what I was wearing in the 80's when I was your age. It is validating to see the style return and to see how hot it looks! I bought this pattern and I have denim in the closet, I just need some time fairies to come and help me steal time to get into some sewing. cheers to all the nice booties headed for some ginger jeans!
ReplyDeleteWow, they look amazing! I totally get your preoccupation with your bootie in those jeans! I downloaded the pattern a few days ago but still need to tape it up and I'm swamped with RL stuff this week... Then there's this winter coat that's already cut out... and knitted x-mas gifts waiting to be made... but it will happen! And I may borrow your idea of stitching the button hole in a different colour, I love the idea!
ReplyDeleteI know I'm VERY late to the party, but I just have to say these look amazing on you! (as you already well know). I am the worst blogger ever and its now cold so I've yet to even take pictures of mine, but I totally experienced the same assitude in mine—such winners!
ReplyDeleteUmm, "assitude" is now my favorite way to describe clothing that makes my butt look good :)