change has a funny way of affecting us. i can look back on our last big move from philadelphia to houston with a bit more clarity and firmly say - i did not handle it well. i suppose thats all relative, because, i mean, i didn't start, say, neglecting personal hygiene, or talking to myself (at least not anymore than usual), or in any other way display outward signs of cracking up. And I certainly didn't leave. But I was also not okay - for about a year.
all this is to say that i was facing these latest changes with a bit of apprehension. this time around i feel a bit more refreshed with the move. we unloaded quite a bit of our stuff - or at least packed it up in storage (out of sight out of mind am i right?) and i feel in a general mood of decluttering and simplifying. i feel this is never really a bad thing, but not something that comes completely naturally to me.
so get to the point already. i've decided i am going to participate in colette pattern's fall palette challenge. at least that is sort of my plan. this will be part of an effort to plan out my sewing, which after a bit of a budget overhaul is going to double as my clothes shopping. in the process of moving i got rid of a fair amount of my clothes, trying to only keep items that i wear constantly, or that i deem "precious" (a perfect vintage dress, an expensive indie designer piece, something impractical i made for myself...). in doing this i realized that my wardrobe has holes! and so i am going to fill those holes, but in the most strategic way possible. i think the palette challenge will really help my with this.
so. without further adieu, may i please introduce my fall palette:

i know. i know! its super exciting, right?! try to contain your excitement.
okay so i know its not particularly exciting - and i did have to put a grey box around it so you could see the (elegant and sophisticated ?) white. but here's what i did. i spent a few moments trolling around the internet going back in my mind to outfits and images that i found particularly compelling, and grabbing them. if i were a bit more organized i would be grabbing all these images with pinterest or something as i go and then i'd just have an inspiration file at the ready. but you know what - i don't. i'm just not that organized. so in true sallie-fashion, i pulled a last minute search. and you know what i found out? i really like red, white, and blue. particularly denim and cobalt blues, eye-wateringly bright cerise reds, and soft pastel whites.
and you know what else? those colors look good on me.

i have to tell you. it is incredibly difficult to come up with a restrained palette. i find myself so easily swayed every time i see a beautiful combination of colors! for this i really had to focus on the reality of my life and my wardrobe as it is (gah! that ghastly phrase...).
the next part of the challenge will involve planning out my sewing projects. the challenge's "rules" give an eight week deadline for all sewing, but listen. i don't do deadlines. they make me perspire. so i'll take that eight week time frame as a suggestion.
*in my next post, i'll introduce you to the garments i plan on sewing.
*look at me, planning posts! but no. i really plan on sticking by this. just so you know its official - i've added a badge to my blog!