well hello there bloggery.
long time. no see.
let me update you on what's been happening in my life.... since this past fall i've:
- passed some students in my community college classes
- failed some students in my community college classes
- worked. a lot.
- attended various holiday festivities involving lots of family, lots of food, and lots of drink!
- become a member of a one car household.
- bought bikes.
- had said bikes stolen.
- experienced about a week of winter.
- had pipes burst during that week of winter.
- worked. some more.
- gotta a serger for the big x-mas and have been loving it!
- had many emotional breakdowns.
- dressed in drab colored sweaters for a very long time (post traumatic emotional breakdowns. its kinda like therapy for me)
and thats it! now we're all caught up! i could catch you up on some other non interesting topics - like zits, buyers-remorse, and other such stuff, but i think my above list should be enough of a snooze-fest for now.

a little anecdote about pants to get you in the mood:
when i was just a young buck (what?) i worked for a past-his-prime bodybuilder named frank at a health food stand in a farmers market (they have all those things in pa. i promise you). frank was a colorful sort. and i really mean that how it sounds. he was known to wear hyper-color flourescent t-shirts, dyed his california mullet yellow, and could be described as a 'tanorexic'. i once made the mistake of complimenting frank on his zubaz pants, and being the generous sort he is, frank bought me an entire box of my very own zubaz for christmas. there were, like, 200 pairs of zubaz in all the eye-watering combinations of colors and prints you could think of. my 14 year old self was mortified. my three siblings, however, were not. they thought these pants were the funniest thing ever. so while i tried to stealthily throw out this giant stock of zubaz in our outdoor garbage can, my brothers and sister just as stealthily sneaked them back into the house, divvied them up amongst themselves and re-wrapped them. on christmas morning i was amazed at all the gifts for me! when i opened the first box of zubaz i was like, "oh haha. very funny". but after i kept opening up zubaz again and again, hidden underneath other presents, rolled into my stocking... well. i started to cry. those damn zubaz were that embarrasing.
bee-tee-dubs. this has since become one of my favorite stories. i'm no longer embarrassed. obviously. but this early trauma may help explain some of my ... ambivalence i suppose, about these here fancy pants. anyone sensing a bit of a zubaz vibe?

meanwhile... in another part of my life. i decided i needed more easy dresses. so i began sewing some really simple 60's inspired shift dresses. i bought this pistachio green silk georgette with such a dress in mind, but unfortunately my stinginess got the better of me and i did not buy enough material. so the dress turned into a tunic. no problem. it just so happened that this tunic matched my fancy pants. and was neither too billowy nor too form fitting nor too casual, and certainly not difficult. it was an easy pairing.

i'm still not sold on the pairing. i'd like to try some pattern mixing - or perhaps something a bit military inspired. you know. style them up.

top: self made, pants: megan park from leap, belt: jcrew, shoes, necklace: uo
p.s. sorry for the long post. its been awhile. also - sorry for the boring pictures. i'm working on this. i pinky swear.
p.s. sorry for the long post. its been awhile. also - sorry for the boring pictures. i'm working on this. i pinky swear.