we have been having the most beautiful weather here in galveston! after a bit of rain it finally cooled down just a smidgen to make it a bit more comfortable. that being said, i had a really hard time wrapping my head around the fact that my family in the northeast just got snowed on! snow?! in october? as homesick as i get sometimes, i will never, ever miss winter. good riddance!

these are my clovers from colette patterns. as i mentioned in this post, i wanted to make my clovers to resemble these jeans from madewell. the amount of adjustments i made to the pattern were quite heavy. i spent about one weekend just slicing and dicing up the pattern, first to get an idea of fit, and then again to turn them into the denim trousers you see before you. i made three muslins for these pants because i wanted to get the fit just so. i have to say that as far as pants patterns go, these were a dream to make, and even a dream to adjust. in the end, i'm pretty happy with the result and will definitely be making these bad boys (or some version) again.

the top is rachel comey for vogue patterns (v1247). so... um.. i'm kinda a die hard rachel comey fan. like, i'd totally rock a foam finger for her. i once tried on one of her dresses and almost convinced myself that $800 was a reasonable amount to pay for a dress, for no occasion. i luckily had enough stamina to walk out of the store, telling myself that i should think it over, and it will be there tomorrow. i think i suffered under some delusion that i could actually afford the dress until i made it home. to my hovel. then i gave myself a good hard slap.
so you can imagine that i damn near fell out of my chair and had a litter of kittens right there on the spot when i saw that rachel comey did a small line of patterns for vogue. diy rachel comey??!??! be still my foolish heart! i snatched those babies up like i was a professional snatcher. a pattern snatcher, that is.
this top was not without its peculiarities. the whole bottom is pieced together and cut on the bias. frankly i've never been great with working on the bias. however i let this little dude hang out over night and fortunately i seemed to avoid some of the craziness (an entirely twisted dress) that has happened to me in the past. i wanted to make this top out of a silk print, but wouldn't you know, unless you're a crazy hologram clown, they don't really make silk prints for you. i will spare you my rant on the ugliness of the fabric prints that are available to me. okay just a small rant... who is buying all this florescent paisley??!?!? who, dammit?!
so i decided to stick with a basic ivory silk crepe de chine and let the lines do the talking...

oh! and thats two more for the fall palette challenge. that brings my total up to... 4. good thing it doesn't look like fall is coming anytime soon...