Since I have declared a self prescribed break from sewing - mainly due to the fact that the last two garments I tried to make turned out severely misshapen and riddled with mistakes - I thought I would share some of the images that keep circling my consciousness every time I imagine my ideal cold weather wardrobe. This is a bit of a joke since Texas never got the memo that its autumn, and if I even obtain my ideal cold-weather wardrobe I'll only be able to wear it for a short while before summer descends again. Sigh. Nevertheless, a girl can dream - and many of these things can be translated for our milder winters...
First - I know Velvet has been a lust fabric for awhile now - consider me slow on the uptake. But I'll be honest, as much as I love the luxury and decadence, and even regality that velvet somehow implies, its also a bit of a scary fabric, no? It reminds me of Christmas pageants and late 90's - early 00's (is that a thing yet? "00"?) goth wear from Hot Topic. However, I think the Victorian Gothic (as opposed to mall gothic) influence of velvet has won me over and I've been dreaming of making my own version of that little TBA dress. Which reminds me of another scary fact about velvet... sewing with it! Eek!

From top: Velutto Shift (, TBA dress from their A/W 2010 collection (, TBA dress in Urban Outfitters, Dublin from Liebemarlene (, Siren Song Dress from Family Affairs A/W 2010 (
Okay, so this next obsession is a bit less practical given my geographical location, but ohhh how I would love to add furry accents to my daily wardrobe! I am equally taken with the spotted variety, the vintage and the faux - fur is just another one of those things that feels equally campy and glamorous. And while donning a full fur stole might be a bit much - I think I could get away with a collar added to my cardigans once the weather turns nippy. And a leopard print belt seems like it should be a wardrobe staple - like the new neutral.
From the top: JCrew calf-hair belt (, Feminine and Feline Cape (, Fox Fur collar, Zaama on Etsy (, Style Spotted Scarf (, Mink Capelet, The Greedy Seagull on Etsy (
And finally, this one really isn't all that surprising or original ( were any of these, really?), but as soon as deep jewel tones start cropping up in stores and on street style blogs, and on the runways, its almost a given that I will start to reach for the richer colored fabrics in my wardrobe and to sew with (in fact - one of my most recent botched projects was in a lovely wine colored charmeuse). Lately I've been particularly taken with deep bourdeaux's and purples - a color that I can honestly say has never been a favorite. But I believe this Fendi look has completely won me over, and made me a plum-colored-convert. I've even started haunting the local Sephora and M.A.C stores for a deep - dare I say - gothic lipstick!

And with that - I'll leave you. Hopefully soon I'll be back in action with some of my own creations to show.
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